Meet Our Game Designer - Meri Lederer

Meri Lederer, LCSW-R, a parent, educator and clinical social worker for 32 years developed this game while seeking out child-friendly games with a personal touch. Meri has worked exclusively with children in both school and clinical environments. In addition, she has a degree in school administration and has worked as a principal of summer programs for elementary students for seven years.

Meri has used play in her professional practice and finds that developmentally appropriate games can help to reinforce social skills, cognitive skills and support positive relationships through their use. This game was developed utilizing her understanding of child development as well as the knowledge she employs regarding what encourages children's cognitive, social and physical growth. In addition to being a fun, well balanced, age appropriate game that supports growth, this game also serves as a keepsake for families.

Priceless photos and artwork serve to mark a period of time in the life of a family and a child. It can be created by the child, him or herself, or as a special gift from a loved one. The unique, individualized game board serves as a marker of time and can be framed to easily become a cherished family heirloom.

Feel free to drop Meri an email with any questions or comments at